Hawaii SEO – Why Are Internal links Important?

Let me just make it clear: internal linking is a good practice for both search engine optimization and user experience.

two hands

When you add a link within a web page, you are redirecting the users to related articles. Not only they learn something new, but this strategy also helps search engines discover more pages from your website.

The 2 Types of Links

Before I discuss further, allow me to explain that a webpage can include 2 links. First, there’s what you call external links. I will discuss this on Best Practices for External Links. Anyway, these are the links that redirect a user outside your website. For instance, when you click this link, you will be redirected to the Steve Mapua YouTube Channel. This is outside the realm of the stevemapua.com!

Defining Internal Links

Now, since the topic is about internal link, I will elaborate on this further. Internal links come in 2 types of internal links:

  • Within the same page – you can move within the same page. for example, clicking this link will jump to the importance of internal links section of this blog post.
  • To another page within the same website – For instance, if you click this, you will redirect to Things to Do Before You Publish a Blog Post, which is a page within stevemapua.com.

The HTML code

If you want to know how to write internal links in HTML, here’s how you would do it:

<a href=”https://www.stevemapua.com/blog/”>Internal link to the blog section</a>

Internal links can help in:

  • improving website navigation
  • linking related pages together
  • helps search engines in discovering pages within your website
  • distributes the traffic you get to the other pages of your website

Why is internal linking important?

Good internal linking practices are needed for website to work efficiently. After all, it ain’t called a website for no reason. Each page when linked to other web pages creates a web.

For you to understand this process, you also need to understand how search engines work. Search engines deploy website crawlers to help in the crawling and indexing process. These crawlers will only be able to discover the pages within your website if you linked them together.

The more pages you connect, the more pages the website crawlers discover. Internal links serve as a guide for the website crawlers. It points them to the other undiscovered pages of the website.

If pages aren’t link, website crawlers will just scan the homepage, and then, leave! Such a tragedy, right? That is why you need to focus on SEO also, and not just website design. Create a helpful website structure that uses both internal and external links. Surely, when you do this, you are able to produce excellent content for the users and search engines too.

Another reason why internal linking is a crucial part of any website is because internal links distribute the link juice. For instance, if page C is popular, the clicks and views it receives have an influence to the related content. Perhaps, the users decided to check out page D because of the link you posted on Page C.

If you want to learn more about internal links, please refer to my post on How Are Internal links and SEO Connected?

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 5)

This will be the final post on Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques. For this post, I will focus on the importance of internal links, external links, and website comments.

people using phone while standing

Insert internal links on the pages of your website

In SEO, it is essential to link the pages within your website because:

Build a WEBsite

  • Take note of the word website; naturally, you would want your pages to be connected. Once the search engine crawlers scan your website, they will discover the pages found within your website. If pages are not linked together, the crawlers will keep discovering pages, and they will only stop the moment they don’t see any internal and external link.

Discover other pages within your website

  • As I mentioned above, the search engine crawlers will keep scanning the page. Whatever link — whether internal or external — is found on a page, they will read those links too. You can use this to your advantage, and do this to tell search engines about the new pages of your website.
  • So, make sure you make their time worthwhile. They will scan and go if they don’t see any more links posted.

More time spent on your site

  • If your pages are linked together, a user can spend more your time browsing your website. Once a user reads about a certain topic, he can learn more about the related topics through the internal links you inserted. Hence, this strategy will increase the time on your website, the number of pages visted, and more importantly, this will decrease the bounce rate.

Here are some tips for internal linking:

  • Insert an internal link between to related pages.
  • Add internal within the body of the page, and not on the sidebar or footer sections. If you want to know more about internal links, please refer to .

Don’t forget the external links

With updates like Panda and Penguin, people have been apprehensive in linking other websites. Most people think that Google will rank them down. However, the truth is that your website’s trustworthiness will increase if you add external links in order to provide additional information of the content you are discussing. In short, external links are good for SEO.

Respond to comments and On-Page SEO

Many people think that social media comments are unrelated to SEO. Yes, social media presence do not directly influence your rankings. However, it is still important in promoting your website. If more people see your website link, more people would click and read your content.

According to Gary Illyes of Google, social media is positive indication that people find your content useful because they interact with the website. Google sees this a good sign!

Here are some basic guidelines regarding the comments posted on your website:

  • Moderate comments before publishing them because they could just be spam.
  • Don’t approve everything, and only accept those comments that are relevant to the page.
  • Take time to reply to these comments that add value to page. By doing this, you will encourage other people to leave a comment as well.
  • Don’t hesitate to remove unnecessary comments.

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 4)

Yes, I heard you 3 parts are not enough to discuss the different on-page SEO techniques. So, for this post, I will focus on the importance of headings, images, and other content formatting practices.

Headings and Content Formatting Tips

First, let me discuss the headings. Because your content needs to organized, you should use the different header tags. Would you like to read a huge chunk of texts? For sure, you would say NO! Upon seeing a long paragraph, you would immediately hesitate, right?

woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime

Use Header Tags

In order for your content to be properly formatted, you need to use headers.  In WordPress, you can choose from h1 to h6. Ideally, the h1 is used for the main heading,  h2 and h3 for subheadings, and so on.

A page or post only needs a h1 tag. Well, you have the option to have the same title and h1 tag or you can also give an alternative title on your heading. However, you have to take note that search engines will display the title tag. The h1 tag will not be displayed anywhere in the search results page.

For your other heading options, here are the things that you should keep in mind:

  • Do NOT use a single word as a heading. Instead, add a phrase or a sentence. It should make the readers want to read the paragraph below it. So, avoid brief and short headings as this will not be effective in convincing people to read.
  • Use it hierarchically; for instance, h1 should come first, then h2 should be under it, and h3, h4, and so on. Don’t start with h4 and then h2 next!
  • The subheadings are ideal location for adding the related keywords of your written content.

Content Formatting

Do not write your article, but you also have to make your article readable for your audience.

  • Use the formatting tools provided: bold, underline or italicize words if deemed necessary. This is to highlight important words or phrases.
  • The size of your text should be at least 14px.
  • Remember, you are not writing a book. You better divide your article into small paragraphs with 3 to 4 lines.
  • Also, add appropriate spaces in between paragraphs. To learn more tips on how to make your blog easier to read, refer to my post on Important Tips to Make Your Blogs Easier to Read

Adding Images and Other Web Elements

Images make your web pages feel more alive. By adding images, you are adding color to your website in a literal and figurative sense. Images beautify your presentation, and it makes your page more enticing than merely using plain text.

However, you have to remember that search engines can’t see the images. You have to explain the images to search engines through alt texts. Having said that, here are the things to remember when adding images.

  • It is advisable to use your own images. If you want to use another person’s photo, make sure you have the license to do so. If not, stick to royalty-free images. Read more on What Are Royalty-Free Images and Where to Get Them?
  • Resize images – the smaller the image size, the faster your website loads. Know more about this topic on Image Resizing Tips for Your Website Photos
  • Lastly, use an ALT text to help search engines understand what your image is all about.

Next? Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 5)

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 3)

Welcome to the third part of my discussion on the different on-page SEO techniques. If you haven’t read the previous two articles, catch up on Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 1) and Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 2).

person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook

Optimize Your Actual Content

The next tip is to optimize your content in order to accommodate the target keywords you want to rank for. Before the actual writing of your piece, you have to know what the relevant keywords are. I have tackled this on What Are SEO Keywords?

Other related topics you might be interested are:

Again, do not forget to do a keyword research before doing any writing. This is an important step to find out what the searchers are looking for. You get to have an idea on what they are typing on the search box. Thus, you can create more content to satisfy this need.

Once you have figured out the list of keywords, you can integrate these phrases into the page titles, meta descriptions, and actual content.

Remember, you should not stuff keywords everywhere. Google’s Rank Brain algorithm addresses the issue on keyword relevancy and topic relevancy. For instance, if you added a keyword which is not in any way related, then, Google will rank you down.

The solution here is to produce content more relevant the chosen topic. Moreover, you have to add more meat to your content. How do you add more information to your content? Consider the information provided right infront of you. By simply doing a Google search, you get to access these 3 sources of information.

Google autocomplete

  • When do a search on Google, you gives you a list of top searches related to the phrases you typed in. These suggest keywords, which are connected to your chosen keywords, are great content ideas for your website.

People Also Ask

  • Aside from the autocomplete suggestions, you should also refer to the “People also ask”. These are ideas for you in case you ran out of topics for your content. You can expand further and create sub-heading regarding this topic.

Related Searches

  • At the bottom portion of the Google search results page, there’s also a list of related searches. You can mention these keywords in your content. Just don’t overdo it to avoid keyword stuffing.

Improve URL Structure

In Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 1), I mentioned examples of a “good” and “bad” URL. I want to do a follow-up on that by telling that there should a structure among your URLs.

It’s not enough to optimize them and create descriptive URLs. Instead, you should make use of categories as a way of organization. Separate your posts (and pages) into different categories in order to help the users find whatever it is they are looking for.

Think of it as a house, a pretty exterior is useless if the interiors of the houses are topsy-turvy. Once you go inside, there’s a mess everywhere you look, and there’s no distinction whether an item belongs to the living room or kitchen. That’s why you need to assign each item into a specific category.

The same is true for your website. So, for instance, you have:

Homepage > Blog > Article — the articles are under the Blog category, which is good!


Homepage > Blog > Contact Us — the contact page should have its own page and it should not be under blog! These are totally unrelated things because the blog section should contain the articles. Read more on 5 Strategic Places to Put Contact Forms for More Leads.


Next? Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 4)

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 2)

In Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 1), I started my in-depth discussion on the various on-page factors you can do to optimize your website. For this set, I will focus on how to optimize your page titles and meta descriptions.

Tips in Optimizing Page Titles and Meta Descriptions

When search engines scan the different websites available online, the first thing that gets noticed is the page title. Search engines, like Google, don’t have eyes that see, but they “read” websites through the page title and the meta description.

Search engines will rank your web pages according to how they understand it. Also, aside from on-page SEO factors, there are the off-page SEO factors, the website competitors, and others to consider. If you don’t know this, I will explain how search engines work on another post, but first, let me focus my attention on page titles and meta descriptions.

red brick wall with live, work, create. quote

Page titles

Each page on your website should have its own title that both users and search engine should be able to grasp. The title should concise and descriptive at the same time. Moreover, it should give a clear overview on what a page is about. Remember, a page with “Important Web Pages When Making a Website” as its title is way better than having “Main Page” as the title.

Here are other page title optimization tips:

  • Right from the start, help search engines analyze your website better. Help Google understand that these are the keywords you want to rank for. However, this should not be your excuse to stuff keywords on your title. Remember, it still has to make sense for your readers. Keep a balance between pleasing the audience and the search engine. If you are focusing merely on the target keywords, your readers won’t find your pieces interesting.
  • Long titles aren’t always the best titles! If you can keep the titles below 60 characters, then you should be fine.
  • Remember to include numbers on your title. Adding numbers like 8 Ways to Use Stock Photos on Your Website will make wandering eyes stop.
  • Aside from numbers, try to add power words as well. Power words help not just in SEO, but other industries as well. When you add words like “ultimate“, “effortless“, “mind-blowing“, these motivates people to take action. Power words make your content interesting. Thus, people will click it more!
  • Next, there’s no need to include your domain name in the title. Like in this post, I didn’t add Steve Mapua to the title. Instead, I utilized 58 characters (not including spaces) on the title. Do the same, and use around 60 characters to create an accurate page title. If you have a recognizable brand, then that’s when you can add it on your title. For more tips on how to create better page titles, please refer to Page Titles and Meta Descriptions Optimization Tips.

Meta Descriptions

On any search engine results page, the searchers will see 2 main things: your title and your meta description. So, don’t just focus on merely the title. Give some thought to your meta description too! This is your chance to inform and convince the searchers to click. Give them a reason to visit your website instead of the other websites found on the SERPs.

Here are ways to optimize your meta descriptions:

  • Target keywords should also be added on your meta description. Google will highlight the search terms found on your meta description. So, add relevant keywords into the mix because it will make it more attractive to the search engine and the searchers.
  • Say NO to auto-generated descriptions. It is best to formulate your own so that you can captivate and persuade people to click.

If you want to read more optimization tips, see you on Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 3).

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 1)

On-page SEO is an important factor in improving your website rankings. For you to be part of a search engine’s top results page, you can’t skip on the on-page factors. In my intro post on SEO, I shared that there are 3 main categories for you to focus your efforts on. These are: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO.

For this series of blog posts, I will just elaborate on the on-page SEO factors. I will talk about ways to optimize your content in order for search engines to grasp and understand your website well.

man operating laptop on top of table

On-Page SEO Optimizations for Better Rankings

With that being said, let’s get down to business and discuss the on-page SEO techniques to quickly improve your website’s SEO.

Always think of high-quality content first.

More than anything else, you have to remember that your website content is extremely important. With or without SEO, the contents of your website play a crucial role. Any website with poor content will not do well even if you use Paid Keyword Research Tools.

On the other hand, if you publish great content, it will be better with the help of SEO. So, let’s analyze what the components of a great content are.

  • Post unique content – Your content should not be a copy of someone’s else work. Your articles should be original and original from what is already available online. Present your data with your own images, video, infographics.
  • Produce exclusive content – Your website should be priority, and you should post fresh content on your website first. Even if you plan on posting on other websites as part of your off-page SEO efforts, it’s not advisable to post the same content on 2 or 3 different websites.
  • Don’t forget the text elements – When you come up with images and videos for your content, you should not neglect the text elements. For instance, if you plan to post a video, add a descriptive text to explain the contents of your video.
  • Useful content – The goal here is to publish great content, and not just to increase the number of articles. So, before you publish anything, make sure it is useful to your audience. Is their value to what you do? Think of quality over quantity!
  • Provide an in-depth analysis – Speaking of useful content, your audience would want to read a well-research piece. No one wants to read a sloppy piece! So, research from various sources. Longer articles rank well on the search engine results page compared to short articles.
  • Impartial content – Always cover the two sides of the story. Do not solely focus on a one side. For example, if you plan to tackle the advantages of a certain topic, share also the disadvantages. Be open-minded and receptive to other opinions and comments.

Optimize the URLs of your posts.

In order to maximize your SEO efforts, you have to learn proper URL optimization. Take note that a good URL should have less than 255 characters. Moreover, you should use hyphens to separate the keywords.

Just like your page title, your URL should be descriptive and it should include relevant keywords.

To better illustrate a good URL, here are some examples:

Meanwhile, here are examples of bad URLs:

  • https://www.stevemapua.com/487316/
  • https://www.stevemapua.com/optimizationtechniquesseo/

That’s for today so I truly hope you found this article helpful! On my next post, I will discuss more tips. Be sure to stay tuned for Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 2)


Hawaii SEO – 4 Keyword Research Tools (Paid Versions)

In the recent weeks, I have been slowly introducing the basics of Search Engine Optimization. I have been emphasizing on the importance of adding keywords into your content. Ultimately, I also suggested the use of keyword research tools. For beginners, I gave a few Google tools to help you get started. However, if your website has been constantly growing, you also have to up your game. You may need to upgrade your keyword tools into the paid versions.

three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

So, you might ask yourself, “What are the paid alternatives out there?” Well, this is exactly the purpose of this blog post. Below, I will enumerate to you the paid tools that can help you take your SEO rankings into the next level.


SERPstat is a Ukrainian website that provides an all-in-online solution, including SEO tools for keyword research and backlink analysis. Aside from that, it can also give you insights about website analytics, SERP analysis, website audit features, and more. You can choose where to rank whether it’s on Google or Yandex. By signing up for their trial membership, you can use Serpstat for free. However, their paid plans start at $69 with the lite option. Meanwhile, the standard plan starts at $149 a month.


On its website, Ahrefs featured 6 distinct tools such as Site explorer, Keywords explorer, Site audit, Rank tracker, and Content explorer. Of course, for this post, I will just tackle about the keywords explorer. With it, you can know a myriad of keyword ideas, identify the difficulty, and analyze the anticipated website traffic. Just like the previous tool, Ahrefs supports other browsers aside from Google. If you are not from the U.S., don’t worry because there are 171 countries supported.

Ahrefs offers a 7-day trial for free. The lite version of Ahrefs is valued at $99 a month. This option allows you to track up to 500 keywords and crawl up to 10,000 web pages. Meanwhile, the standard version is at $179 a month, which allows you to monitor 1,500 keywords and 500,000 pages. How cool is that?


Perhaps, the most popular tool on this list would be SEMrush. Its main purpose is to provide solutions in terms of Market Analysis, Monetize Your Audience, Keyword Research Toolkit, Content Marketing, and Social Media Marketing. With its distinct keyword tool, SEMrush can help you with getting a quick keyword analysis, creating your list of keywords, tracking the performance, identifying possible competitors, and comparing their keywords with yours.

For the prices, SEMrush offers 3 price plans: the Pro at $99.95 a month, the Guru at $199.95 a month, and the Business at $399.95 a month. You can try the Pro and Guru version for a period of the 7 days free trial.


You can try Moz Pro for free. With its 30-day free trial, you can access the entire array of SEO tools. Moz will provide thorough insights & reporting. Plus, other personalization tools. You can ask help from the online support team, and/or ask experts on the Q&A forum. If it is not something you prefer, you can cancel anytime. However, if you truly enjoy Moz’s extensive features, then you might want to avail of one its paid plans.

Here are other topics that may interest you:

Hawaii Website Design – Free Contact Form Plugins for Your Website (WordPress Edition)

three crumpled yellow papers on green surface surrounded by yellow lined papers

Previously on 5 Strategic Places to Put Contact Forms for More Leads, I talked about certain areas on your site where you can put contact forms. Now, I will share with you free contact form plugins that you can use on your website. Take note that these plugins works best with WordPress.

Here are FREE contact form plugins for your website:

  1. WPForms Lite

Number one on our list is obviously WPForms Lite. This is the best WordPress form plugin for many reasons. It is easy to use and very effective. It is also extremely popular in the WordPress community with more than two million active installs.

One of the best things about WPForms is that it’s 100% responsive, making it look great on all devices. It also uses reCAPTCHA to prevent spam submissions.  The WPForms comes with two versions: free and premium. If you are still a beginner, you can start with WPForms Lite to use the free form builder before upgrading to the premium version.

  1. Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 is one of the oldest WordPress contact form plugins in the market. It has more than 5 million active installs and it’s completely free to use.

If you want to enhance the functionality of your plugin, you can try out various free add-ons available in the WordPress plugin directory. To prevent spam, you can also integrate Contact Form 7 with Google reCaptcha.

  1. Jetpack Form

Another popular WordPress plugin is Jetpack Form. The team behind WordPress.com built it and it actually comes in both free and premium versions.

It features a free utility tool called contact form module. Jetpack Form allows you to add your form by copying the generated code, then adding that code to the text widget. Your contact form will then appear on wherever you decided to insert it.

  1. Caldera Forms

One of the best form plugins that helps you create responsive forms is Caldera Forms. It is free to use, but you can also purchase premium add-ons if you want. This form plugin is compatible with almost every WordPress theme.

Caldera Forms also supports basic functions such as spam prevention and sending notification emails.

  1. Formidable Forms

Fifth on our list is Formidable Forms. This is an advanced online form builder plugin. It allows you to create fully responsive forms that will look amazing on every device. It has a drag and drop builder that helps you create simple and complex forms. You can also change its colors and borders even if you don’t have any coding skills.

If you want to try it out, it has a free lite version. However, if you have the capacity to avail Formidable‘s premium version, you will be able to use its amazing and extra features.

  1. Ninja Forms

Last but definitely not the least is Ninja Forms. This is a flexible WordPress contact form plugin that also features a visual form building interface. It also has developer-friendly options if you are an advanced user. Just like everything else on this list, Ninja Forms comes in free and premium versions.

Through Ninja Forms, you will be able to create web forms and add different fields for email address, date, phone number, and many more. You can also integrate popular marketing services like Mailchimp to Ninja Forms.

In conclusion, I really hope that this article will help in you finding the best form builder plugin for WordPress. If you want to know more about creating a successful website, read What A Successful Website Needs. Next, I will talk about why is it important to have a website.

Hawaii Website Design – 5 Strategic Places to Put Contact Forms for More Leads

One of the things I mentioned on Important Web Pages When Making a Website is contact information. It is really important to include contact information on your website for customers to easily contact you. However, you can’t just randomly put it anywhere you like. There are prominent places on your site that will actually get you more inquiries from your visitors.

Whether you are simply a blogger, business owner, or an e-commerce store, your website needs something that will guide visitors through the process toward becoming satisfied customers. One of the best things you can do is to add a call to action on each page. By doing so, you are encouraging visitors to take action toward becoming a possible client.

white Hello LED sign

But, how do you include a call to action on web pages? And how exactly will this help you get more leads? The answer is: creating a simple contact form. To gain more leads and sales, here are strategic places where you can insert contact forms:

  1. In Your Sidebar

Having a contact form in the sidebar of your site makes it easily accessible for visitors. No matter where they are in your site or even if they’re reading through your blog posts, they will still be able to see your contact form. It’s completely up to you on which side you’re going to insert your contact form.

  1. Above or Below the Fold

Whether you place your contact form above or below the fold on your website’s homepage, it will still be beneficial. Visitors who are scrolling down webpages are showing interest in what you have to offer. So, even if your contact form appears below the fold, they are more likely to fill out and submit a contact form.

  1. About Page

The About Page is often an overlooked opportunity to interact with your customers. On your about page, you should explain what your business is exactly about, what people are saying about your products/services, who works with you, and a call-to-action at the end. By inserting a contact form at the end, you are encouraging visitors to interact with your website more.

  1. Contact Page

One of the most important pages on a website is a Contact Page. Users who check out your contact page are most likely to do business with you. On this page, you should talk about why they should contact you and how you can help them. You should also insert information like phone number, physical address (if any), and social media links.

To avoid getting spammed, you should add a contact form that will tell you who’s exactly contacting you. When a visitor is done filling out the contact form, make sure that they will be redirected to a thank-you page.

  1. After Blog Posts

Lastly, you can also consider adding a contact form below your content. Once a person reads through your entire post, there is a chance that they will continue to read more of your site’s content and possibly get in touch with you. To give them a chance to reach out to you, insert a contact form so that they can easily contact you.

Now that you know these strategic places to put contact forms, you will be able to apply this on your website. Hopefully, this will help you to get more leads and sales. Next, I will share with you FREE form builder plugins you can use on your website.

Hawaii SEO – How to Conduct Your Keyword Research?

By now, you would know about What Are SEO KeywordsWhy SEO Keywords Are Important, and Where to Put SEO Keywords. Moreover, I also talked about The Common Keyword Types. So, the next logical thing to do is discuss the HOW part.

In this portion, you need to know that the research totally depends on your needs and limitations. That’s why it is important to know how to do right! You could end up spending hundreds of dollars for nothing. Not to mention, the keyword research could take so much of your time.

person holding pencil near laptop computer

For one, you can experiment on your keywords. Through trial and error, you can figure out what works and what does not. From there, you can filter your list of keywords. However, if you wish to have a more systematic approach, then you may want to apply the steps provided below.

  1. Don’t jump into the bandwagon right away. 

    • Don’t get into researching your set of keywords immediately. Instead, interact with your customers and see what you can learn from them. Don’t just focus on the business side of things. Before you sign up for any marketing or keyword research tools, get an understanding of the world through the eyes of your customers.
  2. Come up with a seed list.

    • As what I discussed on The Common Keyword Types (Part 1), there are seed keywords and there are also page-specific keywords. You don’t get into specific keywords right away. You need to choose a broader range of keywords instead.
    • By using what you learned in the 1st step, list all the initial keywords and keyphrases that could very well describe your website.
  3. Gather what you can on your seed keywords.

    • Get insights and data on the incoming traffic. Know what keywords are currently associated with your website. You can use a variety of tools to know these keyword data:
  4. Grow your list further.

  5. Segregate your keywords according to the search intent.

    • Group your keywords in a more organized manner. So, it will be easier to track and anyone assigned to monitor them can easily understand.  You can choose to arrange them according the audience, phase, and many others.
  6. Select your primary keywords wisely.

    • Of course, at this point, you will have a long list of keywords. However, you only have to choose 1 to 4 primary keywords to rank for. You can choose them depending on your preferred difficulty, relevance, and search volume. Once you have decide which ones to go for, look for long-tail keywords that will act as a secondary support to the primary keywords.
  7. Rinse and repeat.

    • Finally, once you have chosen what keywords to implement, Google will collect data about your keywords. All you have to do now is to study the data, and repeat the keyword strategies that work.

Keyword research is not something you can just skip. Please take time to look for the best keywords for website, and these steps will definitely help you with what you need!